Showing posts with the label EconometricsShow all
Attenuation bias: How it occurs?
Simultaneous causality bias
Omitted Variable Bias
Time-series analysis made easy. Run EViews from MS Excel.
Fundamentals of Data Analysis: Scales of measurement and choice of statistical and econometric techniques
Measurement scale and choice of statistical tools
All About Econometrics: A complete guide for MA Economics TU
A deep dive into Endogeneity problem
Interpretation of regression coefficients with examples
Dummy Variable: Meaning, Uses, Interpretation, and Precautions
Hamilton Filter in R
Survey data analysis in Stata: Basic introduction step by step with copiable commands
Choice of appropriate econometric methods
FWL Theorem: Meaning, Concept, and STATA practical [Video embedded]
Calculate Variance Covariance Matrix in R manually
Basic Econometrics in Nepali
Endogeneity and Use of Instrumental Variable
What is Instrumental Variable?
Basics of OLS regression